Are you ISO 9001 Certified?

Created by Tony Song Jan 09, 2020 03:24:49 AM Published in Quality Assurance 2408 Views.

Yes ,we are ISO 9001 Certified!

Companies worldwide consider ISO9001 certification virtually indispensable proof of the performance of their quality management. This not only refers to a company's ability to manufacture products that meet customers' requirements and comply with relevant regulations. On the contrary, the focus on production has been shifted to a view of all processes in a company - covering the entire product life cycle, from the capturing of market expectations through to disposal.

Companies that want to become or to remain certified to ISO 9001 need to undergo audits by independent certification bodies at regular intervals. Every audit involves high expenditure: A company's processes are systematically examined and their efficiency and further development is tested.

In August 2006, when Eastrising was the first time to be certified to ISO 9001, the situation was still more complex: A lot of pioneering work was required because there was only very limited experience of our stuff to to draw upon. After 14 years ,we now have the rich experience to do our businees under ISO 9001.

FormatDocuments NameVersionLanguageUpdate DateSize
ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification 2024 English Jul-30-2024 95K

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