Customer Conduct

Created by Tony Song Jan 10, 2020 09:47:26 AM Published in Terms and Conditions 3267 Views.

Although EastRising will always strive to resolve issues to the satisfaction of the customer in a professional, courteous and friendly fashion, we will not tolerate any unacceptable or unreasonable behavior towards our Customer Service Team members.

Unacceptable behavior directed towards Customer Service staff or EastRising may, for example, include any of the following:

  • Aggressive, abusive and threatening behavior. Examples include: any and all direct or implied threats on any communication channel; intimidating language; personal and verbal abuse; sexist, racist, homophobic, or derogatory remarks; rudeness; inflammatory statements; swearing; and unsubstantiated allegations.
  • Persistently making habitually demanding or vexatious complaints, despite the matter having been fully addressed; similarly, repeating complaints persisting despite reasonable and fair solutions being offered in accordance with our policies.
  • Asking, expecting or demanding staff to breach established company policy guidelines, e.g. refund amount, time lines, special compensation, etc.; similarly, seeking an unrealistic outcome beyond the scope of our own policies and procedures.
  • Repeatedly changing the nature (or focus) of a complaint or the desired outcome, part way, after a formal response has been provided.
  • Excessive number of complaints compared to the total purchase value history.

For such behavior, complainants may be advised and formally notified of the following:

  • Their language is considered offensive, abusive, threatening, and wholly unacceptable.
  • They must refrain from using such language, intimidation, and threats.
  • There will be no further exchange of correspondence on the matter if they persist with this behavior.

EastRising reserves the right to no longer accept orders from the customer in the future without further notice.

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